Today I’m heading into NYC (Hospital for Special Surgery - HSS) for my one-year checkup of my hip resurfacing!
…started out with breakfast with the kids - two eggs and two pieces of toast. After they went to school I did a work out and here’s what I did —>
3 x 12 each leg, reverse lunge slide knee forward at bottom.
3 x 10 on knees, lean back as far as possible, straight upper body
3 x 10 each arm, arms straight out to the side with 3 pound dumbbells, lower one side at a time for reps.
2 x 10, from knees,, jump to squat, jump/tap knees.
Three sets of the following.
10 reps medium band around knees, 16 kg kettle bell squats.
10 reps glute-donkey kicks with 10lb dumbbell over calf.
5 front squats 95 LBS
Next I met Nick Hess at a customer project then I left for NYC.
Tonight dinner was interesting - NO MEAT! First time in a while…
Broccoli rabe sautéed with garlic and added to a broth of white potatoes and lemon. Served as a soup. The shot on the bottom right is the left over - I ate most of the greens in my two huge bowls! Lots of lemon juice added too - much tastier than it looks!!
(plus roasted some Brussel sprouts and sweet potatoes with salt, pepper and olive oil - so tasty…)